McKesson TRUE METRIX PRO Blood Glucose Meter
McKesson TRUE METRIX PRO Blood Glucose Meter – Glucose Meters – Blood Glucose Meter
- No coding
- Control detection
- Resultsn as fast as 4 seconds
- Tiny 0.5 microliter sample, Size
- Alternate site testing
- Store 500 results with time/date
- Easy-to-use \”hands free\” strip release button
- For use with #06-R3051P-01 and #06-R3051P-05 McKesson TRUE METRIX® PRO Strips, and #06-R5051-1, #06-R5051-2 and #06-R5051-3 McKesson TRUE METRIX® Controls
Blood Glucose Meter McKesson TRUE METRIX® PRO 4 Second Results Stores up to 500 Results No Coding Required
McKesson TRUE METRIX® PRO Monitoring Blood Glucose Meter