iCassette Dx Drugs Of Abuse Test
iCassette Dx Drugs Of Abuse Test – Test Kits – Drugs of Abuse Test Kit
- Test screens for the following: : amphetamine (AMP); angel dust (PCP); barbiturate (BAR); benzodiazepine (BZO); cocaine (COC); ecstasy (MDMA); marijuana (THC); opiates (OPI300); oxycodone (OXY), propoxyphene (PPX) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
- iCassette uses a pipette device to engage the urine sample and drops it into wells located on the bottom of the iCassette drug screen test
- A total of three drops should enter each well and 5 minutes should expire before results are recorded
- Integrated Positive and Negative procedural controls
Drugs of Abuse Test Kit iCassette® Dx AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MDMA, OPI 300, OXY, PCP, PPX, TCA, THC 25 Tests CLIA Waived
iCassette® Dx 11-Drug Panel Drugs of Abuse Test