Pipet Verification Service Kit 10 – 200 Μl, 1 X 2 Ml Pipetting Solution, 6 X 1Ml Receiver Solution
Pipet Verification Service Kit 10 – 200 Μl, 1 X 2 Ml Pipetting Solution, 6 X 1Ml Receiver Solution – Pipette and Pipettor Accessories – Pipet Verification Service Kit
- All your lab’\”s pipettes can be tested in the same way with no changes in test procedure with Streck Laboratories’\” pipette verification service kit
- Kit contains ten 200 µl, one 2-mL vial of pipetting solution and six 1-mL receiver solution
- Simple to use kits are shipped to Streck Laboratories
- NIST-traceable
- Compatible with any brand of pipette
- Kits can be used at any time in the laboratory schedule
- Pipette verification can be performed at a time most convenient
- Pipette use is uninterrupted
- Ensures regulatory compliance
Pipet Verification Service Kit
Streck Laboratories Pipette Verification Service Kit