Puritan Swabstick
Puritan Swabstick – Applicators and Swabsticks – Swabstick
- Use these swab sticks, with single end tapered mini tips, for precision application of medicines or to clean equipment
- These nonsterile swab sticks are 6 inches long with wooden shafts
Swabstick Puritan® Cotton Tip Wood Shaft 6 Inch NonSterile 100 per Pack
Puritan® Swabstick, 6 Inch,
- Regular cotton head on a rigid wood handle
- Stick part of swab stick is 6 inches long
- 1,000 swab sticks per box
Swabstick Puritan® Cotton Tip Wood Shaft 6 Inch NonSterile 1000 per Pack
Puritan® Swabstick,
- 3-inch-long swabsticks have wood shafts and cotton tips
- Use them to apply topical medication and clean wounds
- Swabsticks are packed in sterile pairs
Swabstick Puritan® Cotton Tip Wood Shaft 3 Inch Sterile 2 per Pack
Puritan® Swabstick, 3-Inch Length,
- General-purpose applicator
- For cleaning larger areas
- Large extra-absorbent cotton head
- 100 per bag
Swabstick Puritan® Cotton Tip Wood Shaft 6 Inch NonSterile 500 per Pack
Puritan® Swabstick