Tranquility TopLiner Booster Pads
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> –>
Unisex Design
Adhesive Side
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Holds up to
full urine void!
That’s over 12 oz,
that’s over a full can.
How to Pick Your Size
Here’s some suggentions for what size to pick depending on your needs and sizing.
Size | Best suited for use with any style of host garment size |
Length & Width |
Capacity |
Mini | XS |
10.5 x 2.75 in 26.67 x 6.99 cm |
5.7 oz 169 mL |
Regular | S, M, L |
14 x 4 in 35.56 x 10.16 cm |
10.9 oz 322 mL |
Super | Xl, 2XL |
15 x 4.25 in 38.10 x 10.80 cm |
14.2 oz 410 mL |
Unisex size suit for women and men
Not sure about your size?
Order a Sample Pack and receive three chosen sizes to try.
Order Now
Looking for the perfect combo?
Full night protection / Change Less / Save Money
Add a TopLiner Booster to extend the wear time of your underwear!
Reduces changes of the disposable undergarment.
Hold more, stay comfy! Up to 5 leaks without sacrificing comfort, that’s nearly 15 hours of protection.